Driving is a great way to transport one's family around. Cars can get you to and from school, the grocery store and any other task that needs to be completed. But driving can unfortunately lead to car accidents. Automobile collisions can lead to serious injury or even death. In some cases, it can lead to substantial medical bills or other issues for the victim's family to deal with.A car crash that lead to the death of four family members back in January was recently determined to be caused by a Florida man. The Florida Highway Patrol concluded their investigation this week and issued a citation to the man. He was charged with careless driving. The police did not find any evidence for any criminal charges. The accident occurred when the man that was charged sideswiped another vehicle. This other vehicle struck the vehicle with the victims in it. The victim's vehicle was then forced off the road causing it to end up in a lake. Four family members were killed in the accident that occurred on Interstate 95. The driver of the vehicle that was sideswiped by the careless driver was not charged for the accident. It was alleged that he driver charged did not know that the accident caused a car to end up in the nearby lake.Many times, accidents are due to the negligence of one or both drivers. The negligence can take the form of anything from texting while driving or getting behind the wheel when drunk.If the accident is due to the negligence of another driver, the victim may be entitled to compensation. This compensation can be for anything form medical bills to lost wages or future care.Source: The Miami Herald, "Lauderdale Lakes man cited in 1-95 accident that killed 4 family members," Carli Teproff, March. 26, 2013
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